Sunday, 20 March 2011

What's there to moan about?

Well, I could start with the one where you give up all your spare time to volunteer; taking a charity out of a cycle of loss into one of profit (with the aim to spend that profit on charitable projects) and no one seems to give a toss! I would have thought having a young(ish), vivacious (ok, ok, reasonably lively then), character, who invigorates your organisation, should be something that is held in high esteem. But it seems that far from that, my many works of wonder have instead been met with banal indifference.

So where to go from here? Well I guess it's time to move on. Time to find a charity/group/organisation that will appreciate me for the amazing, go-getting, no-nonsense person I am. Ok, Perhaps that is expecting too much. But it's not that I want to be held aloft, surrounded by chanting supporters. It's just when the "proverbial" hits the fan, one would hope that at least one's "so called" supporters might raise their heads and nod in a modicum show of support. Otherwise we end up with the situation we have now, where "evil prevails when good men say nothing".

You're right. Perhaps I am asking for too much. Maybe I'll just start my own group, and surround myself with supporters...........

Oh dear - perhaps I am starting to sound too much like Qaḏḏāfī (and his ilk) . I don't want to be a dictator surrounded by "yes-men"; Just an appreciated leader of the like-minded!