Monday, 8 August 2011

An evening with "Rita" (a recipe for joy)

This Blog comes to you in a far more sanguine tone than is perhaps usual but I feel you will become aware of why this is as you discover the contents of my - well, my tummy, which relates to this blog and comes with a strong invitation to join me on this happy vibe.

This blog is all about how to make a Margaritas – Nwls [North-West London Suburbanite] Style! I’m hoping this recipe will set you in the road to appreciating the delightful Margaritas.

I am fairly up in my years and am ashamed to say that I have never had one before but I do feel that coming across this little tipple with a mature palette has probably allowed me to appreciate it all the more!

The cocktail was ‘apparently’ named after an American socialite from Dallas, called Margarita (interesting name for an American?!), or, after an ‘Actress’ (sounds like ‘lady of the night' or ‘exotic dancer’ to me) called Rita. Whilst all these tales strike a somewhat dubious tone, I can see why several people have laid claim to inventing this refreshing cocktail.

So far, drinking Margaritas has not made me take all my clothes of in public, so you should be reasonably safe.

So; how to achieve the perfect (nwls) Margaritas:

Firstly, go to the ‘Costa Tropical’ in Andalusia, Spain, preferably during the summer months (although I am sure this recipe works whatever the season).

Second, go to a Mercadona (supermarket) and buy as many limes as you can lay your hands on.

Third get a bottle of Cointreau (bit pricey, but it does make the drink). There are cheaper Triple sec’s, but this is the Nwls version so…..

Fourth, get a bottle of white (silver) Tequila, the cheaper the better. The harsh, cheap taste makes a good contrast. Quality Tequila (gold or silver) should be savoured and sipped, not thrown in with other drinks - Let’s be grown-up about this - lets have some class!, even if it does all go out the window half-way through Margaritas number 2.

Next get yourself a fairly large, stemed glass (like a wine glass) – believe me, the stem makes it all the nicer! Preferably made of plastic (particularly if this is your first evening with the lovely Rita).

I use a second, small glass, as a measure – it’s all about the measure. This is, of course, a tried and tested method which came from at least a week of trials and taste testing.

Chop off the top of the lime (and save) and the squeeze the rest of the lime into the big glass. Then pour this into the little glass and make a note of how much it measures (draw a line on it with a crayon if you’re really pissed). Then pour it back into the big glass.

Then add lots of crushed ice to the big glass (I didn’t go with the ‘use a shaker’ idea, it just meant more washing up, plus it’s bloody hot in Andalusia so the ice melts and that waters it down a bit which is probably a good thing).

Then take the little glass and pour a measure, the same as the lime, of Cointreau, then transfer that to the big glass.

Next take the little glass and pour 2 measures of the crappy Tequila and add that to the big glass. Give it a little stir, add the cut off bit of lime you started with, and Sit Down!

Drink the Margaritas. Do this reasonably slowly as its damn strong and if you get carried away you may well take all your clothes off and start dancing with the old lady next door!
