Sunday, 9 January 2011

as the euphoria turns to fear

i must be out of my tiny little mind!

there is a charity called st. lukes hospice which care for people with incurable illness'. a really worthy cause, they sent out feelers recently to get support and to encourage people to scale down the walls of a local hospital and get sponsorship.

i have been working for a community radio station and their event organiser was hoping i would mention it on the radio for them. now, i know i hadn't been drinking at the time, but still, i was filled with a delirium usually associated with chronic fatigue or drug taking. sober as a judge i was and yet within a day i had volunteered myself to go over the wall.

i created a just giving page, got the relevant application forms, wrote and article on it with the strap-line "during the many years [i] worked at [said] hospital, i was often tempted to jump off of the roof - and now i finally get the chance!".  yea, bloody hilarious!

3 days later and now it's "what on earth was i thinking!?!"  i'm not even that keen on heights. i certainly have never dangled my weedy body from the end of a 100ft rope before.

now i've got to get together £250 in sponsorship and a further £20 to enter.

i think in future i should ensure i have been drinking - hopefully then i will be too incoherent to make such a rash decision.


  1. I sure would like to know how this turned out.

  2. Hi Travel Girl

    Well, it turned out to be a success. I think the fear of the event was worse than the actual doing.

    I managed to raise £242 and I was the first down the wall. I got a round of applause from the onlookers who stood diligently in the rain to show their support.

    If you're interested (in a very minor, local event), I was interviewed for Harrow Community Radio and the recording of the day can be listened to at:

    many thanks for showing an interest

    n-w-l-s xxx
