Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Frack Off !!

As home counties campaigners launch a series of protests against shale gas fracking, I come to realise that big companies are only after one thing - Money! and that they are willing to get their grubby, corporate mits on it at the expense of every thing and everyone else.Why is our government even considering such an action? 

1) There is a hosepipe ban due to a now country wide drought - yet fracking involves pouring millions of litres into a hole in the ground so as they can access the gas

2) There is coal in them there hills. Coal could be a cheaper option for us, with British coal itself being the cheapest thing available when the government of the time put that entire industry out of business. Why not just re-open publicly owned coal mines.

3) Pouring water down the 'ole will render the future 1000 years worth of coal down there to be inaccessible for future generations. Our coal reserves  may turn out to be a valuable future source of fuel once all the oil and gas has run out.

4) The gas we have had for years was wasted firing electricity generating power stations. If we had had it just for cooking and heating there would still be tonnes of the stuff left, available for us to use. We know full well that any gas extracted by fracking will be promptly squandered by the private companies who will sell it back to us for domestic use at an over-inflated cost.

I haven't even gone into all the malarkey regarding damage to the environment, destruction of our beautiful landscapes or the potential for earth tremors associated with the plundering of this naturally occurring substance.

All I wish to add to the protest is a simple FRACK OFF !!

1 comment:

  1. i sometimes think that corporations run everything. seriously, it's depressing. there is a lot of controversy going on here in america to as this type of oil refinery is happening around and in protected land. i think it's criminal.
